Hear from Recent Customers
”Working with Mr. Johnson has been a very rewarding experience for me. I have never left a conversation with him, without being a better person for having had it. He has played a vitality important role in me rediscovering myself, my how, my what, and most importantly my why. Although we will continue our work together, the work me and him have done thus far will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am forever grateful to have crossed paths with him. And I am a better man/person because of his influence.”
J. Wright (University Junior and Substitute Teacher)
”I am blessed to have connected with Mr. Johnson on my journey through life. He’s been a blessing in disguise in my transitioning from college to the workforce of our society. With his guidance and experience from his own life-journey really helped enhance my drive to not only push myself to be the best version of me but as well in what career ventures I choose to partake in.”
-T. Manning ( Recent Graduate now H.S. Football Coach)
"I have had the ultimate joy in working with Rob Johnson over the past year! We did not meet in a traditional way of student seeks coach, but once we met, his value as such quickly became evident and invaluable to me!
Rob has listened, supported, guided, nudged and challenged me along my journey in the most insightful, informed, clear and intuitive ways that I almost wouldn’t believe it had I not experienced it!
I truly feel as though Rob has found his calling in helping to mentor, guide, and coach his clients into that next phase of development that is ultimately needed to accomplish their goals. I have no doubt that working with Rob, will get me to mine.”
- L. Ashton (Project Manager)
”Before Robert became my mentor, we met at a networking event and he naturally stood out to me as an authentic person on a mission to help others. One of the very first things he said to me was "I want to be part of your success story," and it was clear to me that he was dedicated to fulfilling that mission in every aspect of his life. A few months later, I fell into a difficult situation and needed someone in my corner. True to his word, Robert was ready and willing to be part of my success story once again, but this time by volunteering to become my career coach and mentor. The level to which Robert was invested in my personal and professional success went beyond any of my expectations. His mentorship has allowed me to maintain a positive mentality and move towards my goals with confidence. I thought I was signing on for short-term help with my resume, but Robert continues to empower me to always strive to be the best version of myself and I will be forever grateful for that.”
- J. Clayton (Marketing Specialist)
”Working with Rob over the last 12 months has been incredibly helpful! He is an attentive listener who finds threads in our conversations that tie things together and bring clarity in very unique ways.
His candor is very refreshing; knowing that he is continuing to work on himself helps me feel grounded in the universal truth that everyone is a work in progress. I appreciate his questions that push me to think about where I am today and where I want to be tomorrow.”
-L. Nikolaidis ( Sr. Project Manager)